Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Our Winter League Tennis Party will be on Monday, April 9 at the Jennings Country Club.  We will congratulate our winners and eat together.  Please bring a dish to share!  We will not play tennis this time. 

The Summer League Registration will begin April 9.  We will have forms available at the party, at the country club and online.  The deadline to sign up will be April 26.  We will draw for partners on April 30 and begin play on May 14. 

We have decided to postpone our Jennings Tennis Madness Tennis Tournament to the fall!  Grab your partner and start practicing early!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Winter League 2012 Action Shots

There was lots of tennis going on in Jennings today!  I know everyone was enjoying the beautiful sunshine!  Compliments of SignKo, we now have a beautiful sign at the city courts to reserve the courts on Monday nights!  Thanks, Mary Beth & Todd!