Background Info
Born and raised in Louisiana. I've been married for 25 years to Jacques. We lived
in Canada for 15 years and our 3 beautiful daughters have dual citizenship, Renee--21,
Dominique--19, and Gabrielle--16. I was a detective with the Jeff Davis Sheriff's office
and just retired on December 12, 2015 --now I play a lot of tennis!
What is your favorite tennis memory?
My favorite tennis memories are costume tennis with Brenda Donald, Polly
Strickland, and Ginny Sonnier. (See Facebook photos) I also enjoy the Jennings
Ladies Tennis League and the many, many friends that I have met and who have
enriched my life. Another lady that is really special to me is Carol Benoit. She
has organized so many tournaments, mixed doubles teams, ladies teams, etc and
has included me in all the fun. I enjoy matching costumes/uniforms with all my
many partners and teammates. No matter if you win or lose (actually it does matter --
I like to win), you must always look good. LOL! There are so many other
wonderful ladies in many of my tennis stories. The list is too long--but you know
who you are and I am truly blessed to have you in my life and call friends!
(Sista friends!)
What is the saying/motto that you live by?
Only the rain can stop us!!!
Play like your life depends on it-----but have fun.
Put on your big girl panties---no regrets!
Keep it in play and let them f*** up